Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Relay For Life, Faith & Hope Center Tent Report

Dear Friends: The closest thing I've come to feeling like Anna in the Temple, night and day with the Lord and His people, happened at the Faith and Hope Center this weekend. What a rare privilege I had to witness you and your groups as you prayed on the grounds of the Relay for Life...each in your own style with your own God-given focus.

As I made a report to our church Sunday morning, these words were highlighted:

UNITY: When the Body of Christ came together in one place, honoring each other, there was great power released in prayer. One brother who is very sensative in the Spirit, but did not know this relay was for cancer, felt there was a strong annointing to pray for cancer. I love it!

FOCUS: The Holy Spirit gave each group specific things to focus on. Often our prayers were, "Lord, let everything You want prayed be accomplished by the end of this weekend." One team prayed that the big "C" (as we often call cancer) would be replaced by the bigger "C" in Christ.

TRUST: I trusted each team that came, and together we built trust with the American Cancer Society and the local Relay leadership. They definitely want us back again next year! Sometimes one of the leadership team would let me know what they needed prayer for as the event went along.

STATS: We figured there were about 175 people of all ages from 25 churches/ministries who prayed in the tent. There wasn't a lot of other traffic through the tent, but it became obvious numbers were not the issue. I believe we were priming the pump and drilling for other words, going down deep into the fight against cancer.

RESULTS: Of course we won't know until heaven all that went on as a result of our prayers. But I believe we will be getting some feedback, and I will pass that on to you. Financially, we asked for $600,000 and $641,000 was raised. We had our beautiful weather, but we are going to have to clarify what a slight breeze means. :) We had 40 mile an hour gusts by the last two shifts and had to vacate the tent. The final group prayed in a circle on the 5 yard line in front of God and everybody. My guess is that about 90 percent of us had never been to a Relay before.

THANKS: This word does not cover the gratefulness in my heart for all of you. May the Lord reward you greatly for your time and prayers. Please extend my thanks to each person on your team.

I trust we will see more of each other through the coming year. Carry the Light!
Sherry Varkonyi


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