Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Tephilah for Transformation

Psalm RG 004
A Tephilah for the Transformation of Tacoma
Following the structure of Psalm 4

1 Visit the Pacific Northwest, O mighty God.
Cause your people to rise up;
let the Church fulfill its destiny.
2 How long, O secularists, will you worship
the creation rather than the Creator?
How long will you Pagans invite
false gods to inhabit our cities and parks?
(Not much longer!)
3 Know that the LORD weeps over cities;
the LORD will intervene in our region.
4 In your consternation, don’t give up hope;
intercede for your city and don’t be silent.
(It’s a strategic time!)
5 Prepare to make sacrifices;
to yield what is necessary.
6 We have prayed all our lives,
“Your kingdom come”;
Make your rule manifest
in our cities now, O LORD.
7 You have filled my heart with vision,
with strategies for advancing your cause.
8 I awake each day with anticipation,
for you, O LORD,
will make my city a habitation of joy.


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